A fine slice of prime Section 25, a band that in their original period on Factory were normally panned without pause as naught but Joy Division copyists, only to then be accused as New Order copyists as they drafted in the keyboards to fill their sound. This EP finds them somewhere between the two worlds, still guitar heavy but the sequenced synth patterns working their way in on ‘Sakura’.

The sleeve design is one of the earlier outings from Mark Farrow, who would package many a Factory Communications act over the years – well the layout and typography at any rate, since the cover drawing, as credited, was by one P. Devine.

Side One:
- The Beast
- Sakura
Side Two:
- Sakura (MatrixMix)
- Trident (Recorded live in New York, February 1982)

Hey! My brother just sent me a link to your site! This was a quick drawing for a poster I did for the band when they appeared at my college in London! We all hailed from Blackpool in the north of England. I remember Vinny and Larry asking if they could use it for a cover, they even paid me £50! Very happy days!
That’s a great detail to share, thank you – and well done to the band for paying for your work too, a fair few bob back in 1982!