John Foxx ‘Metamatic’ Japanese mini-LP sleeve CD (Imperial Records, TECI-23190, 2003)

So, how many copies of ‘Metamatic’ must I have on CD by now?! Well, at last count, this tasty little item makes it four separate releases. I’m afraid I couldn’t resist this one as it made such a nice go of reproducing the original album sleeve artwork, which remains one of my all time favourites in its cool grey precision.

John Foxx 'Metamatic' Japanese mini-LP replica CD - Front cover and obi.
^ John Foxx ‘Metamatic’ Japanese mini-LP replica CD – Front cover and obi.

Musically, the CD is the same as the 2001 Edsel label re-issue (EDCD 702), so you get the original album plus 7 bonus tracks, taken from singles of the era. If you are happy with that CD then only packaging junkies only need apply here. I am fully paid-up, card-carrying member of that fraternity, for sure. Continue reading “John Foxx ‘Metamatic’ Japanese mini-LP sleeve CD (Imperial Records, TECI-23190, 2003)”

Ultravox ‘New Europeans’ Japanese LP (Chrysalsis/Toshiba EMI Ltd, WWS-81465, 1982)

The Japanese record industry, much to the delights of collectors such as I, always seems to have acted with impunity when it comes to its releases, never shying away from taking a grab-bag approach to compile releases which probably have the artists themselves holding their faces in horror. Yes, we are talking about these albums and mini-albums that have no equivalent releases elsewhere and the early ’80s in particular was  a great period for this.

Insert (front) and label
^ Insert (front) and label

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The Passions ‘Needles and Pills’/’Body and Soul’ 7″ single (Soho, SH5, 1979)

The debut release from The Passions released in Spring 1979, a double A side single – both sides are something of an earlier draft of of the sound that can be heard on their debut album, ‘Michael and Miranda’, with ‘Needles and Pills’ leaning a bit towards a more traditional rock vocabulary, I dare say. Vocally quite different, ‘Needles and Pills’ especially, due to the presence of Mitch Barker on vocals. This single is the only recorded outing for this version of the band – basically the same line-up as recoreded ‘Michael and Miranda’ but with the addition of Mitch on vocals, though ‘Body and Soul’ has the more familiar presence of Barbara Gogan sharing much of the vocals and of the two songs it more obviously fits the Passions template, as evinced by the fact that it lasted in the set list for gigs through 1980. ‘Needles and Pills’ was written by the bands original guitarist, Dack Dyde, though by the time of the recording he had left the band.

'Needles and Pills' cover image
^ ‘Needles and Pills’ cover image

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Strawberry Switchblade ‘Since Yesterday’ Japanese 3″ CD single (WEA, WQSP-1005, 2004)

How fitting that a band for whom the word ‘cute’ would so often be applied to, to the point of overdose, should see a 3″ CD miniature of their 1984 single ‘Since Yesterday’ appear and which can only be described as… errrrr… cute, when shrunk down to such a size.

Insert (front), CD label and bag
^ Insert (front), CD label and bag

The packaging is a pretty accurate take on the Japanese 7″ release, though the label design differs and it doesn’t include the extra black and white gatefold insert that came with the 7″. It appears to hail from 2004, released as part of a series of ’70s/’80s classic hits to accompany sweets, apparently. Sadly, despite the cover art retained from the original 7 inch single design which lists the original B side too, the CD is a one track only affair, so ‘By The Sea’ is not present – a real shame as it is one of the songs which never made it on to the Japanese 1997 re-issue of the ‘Strawberry Switchblade’ album and remains unissued on CD to date. The version of ‘Since Yesterday’ is the regular 7″ single/album version. Continue reading “Strawberry Switchblade ‘Since Yesterday’ Japanese 3″ CD single (WEA, WQSP-1005, 2004)”

Love and Rockets – ‘Seventh Dream Of Teenage Heaven’ on CD

With this post I’m going to look at the various releases on CD of ‘Seventh Dream Of Teenage Heaven’, the debut album by Love and Rockets, released in Late 1985 and a particular favourite of mine through the years – and specifically digging about at the various different mixes of some of its tracks and bonus tracks which were added to the numerous CD issues.

Original UK CD (front)
^ Original UK CD (front)

Winding back to 1985, the album was preceded by two related releases ahead of its release: firstly, the fabulous (IMHO) single, ‘If There’s A Heaven Above’, which in the UK came in 7″ and 12″ versions, the 12″ including an extended version of the A side, which remains one of my all time favourite songs and, in particular, 12″ mixes – at least, the actual mix that was on the original UK 12″, because the version labelled as such on the 1999 UK CD re-issue is not the same. The B side on both 7″ and 12″ was ‘God and Mr Smith’ (4 mins 47 secs), a rearrangement of the A side stripping out the main vocals and including copious samples, largely of an eastern bent. Continue reading “Love and Rockets – ‘Seventh Dream Of Teenage Heaven’ on CD”