With seemingly undue haste – there is only two years between ‘Glimmer: Best of John Foxx’, covered in the previous post, and the subject of this post, here we have ‘Metatronic’. What did this compilation bring, that warranted it coming so soon after ‘Glimmer’, you may well wonder?
^ John Foxx ‘Metatronic’ UK compilation 2 x CD + DVD – front case design
The third part of this series looking in depth at John Foxx compilations across the years moves on to 2001’s ‘Modern Art’ compilation CD that brought together a mixture of the familiar as well as some previously hard to find mixes and single edits to CD for the first time.
^ John Foxx 2001 compilation CD, ‘Modern Art – The Best of John Foxx’ front cover design
The first single to be lifted from PiL’s 1987 album, ‘Happy’, ‘Seattle’ was a a lively, punchy track that sadly failed to provide much of a hit to match the momentum that the previous year’s ‘Album’ and ‘Rise’ releases had. Bolstered with a resurgent John McGeogh on guitar, its a highly polished production, courtesy of Gary Langan, and his high-tech, meticulous touches are one thing, though how well it fitted with earlier PiL sounds is a point of debate.
^ Public Image Ltd. – ‘Seattle’ Japanese CD single front cover design and OBI.
Originally posted 28 October 2018, I’m re-posting this as the original has come under quite the spam attack for some odd reason…
This is the original issue of this VHS cassette that I bought when it was first released in late 1983. That year had been quite momentous for Bauhaus of course with their final album, tour and split and they had gained a level of popularity that they had been working towards for some time. As David J infamously opined in a contemporary interview, with ‘Spirit’ they had knocked on the door of recognition, with ‘Ziggy Stardust’ they decided that it was time to boot it in. There’s no doubt that part of the appeal was their visual edge and the promo videos were all part of this (even if at the time in the UK, it was never easy to actually see these with any regularity).
Released in France only as a single, ‘Lover To Fall’ was remixed by John “Tokes” Potoker for good measure on this release. As well as this 7″ copy there is also a promo-only 12″ (and promo-only 7″ available) – all of these feature the same remix version though.
^ Scritti Politti – ‘Lover To Fall’ (Remix Version) French 7″ single front cover